By SUA Staff – With the incessant ‘end runs’ around the Congress in his first four years, now it looks like the big one is before us – applying some arcane twisted logic that the 14th Amendment gives the President unfettered spending power. Now, the Majority Leader and other Democrats are ‘aiding and abetting’ that effort.

Though the Constitution reads as follows:

Section 7 – Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto

All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.


Section 8 – Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States; (read more here.)

If Obama declares that the 14th Amendment gives him such powers, effectively stripping them away from the House of Representatives, there will be a Constitutional crisis that MUST come before the Supreme Court. If that court does not see fit to stop him, possibly due to imminent retirements of Justices being replaced by liberals appointed by Obama, changing the 5-4 balance right to a 5-4 left or worse, our Congress shall at that time be rendered meaningless.

The Senate has already become meaningless since Harry Reid has already seen fit to ignore its primary purpose – passing a budget. He is in criminal contempt of the Constitution for not passing a budget in over 1,3o0 days, that is a complete abrogation of his oath and that of every Senator seated.

Only now are we finally hearing some elected officials accuse Reid of criminal negligence in the malfeasance of his and many others’ duties they swore to uphold and defend. Many ask if he is committing a felony or a misdemeanor, but either way its criminal:

I have one question about the way Majority Leader Harry Reid has been conducting the Senate. Has he committed a felony or a mere misdemeanor?

Majority Leader Harry’s transgression is that for over 1300 days he has failed to pass a budget. In fact, there is no evidence he has even tried. This is against the law. Federal law clearly requires the Congress to pass a budget every year. I presume the reasoning behind this is that the American people deserve to know what their taxes are paying for, or another way of putting it is, why are the American people being mulcted every year by the Internal Revenue Service to pay for Harry and his gang’s criminal activities? (Read more here.)

That of course means that the people will no longer have a voice in their government and our nation shall effectively become a dictatorship, especially if they somehow find a way to overturn the 22nd Amendment.

Senate Democrats to offer no-limit credit to Obama

By Neil Munro at the Daily Caller

Top Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate have reportedly told the executive branch they won’t object if the president simply declares he has the power to impose even greater financial debts on Americans.

The announcement, leaked Jan. 10 by a Democratic aide to The Washington Post, would effectively give the White House the unprecedented power to borrow and spend as much money as it wishes — unless the Supreme Court intervenes.

If allowed to stand by the court, the decision by Senate Democrats would effectively gut the authority of Congress’ two bodies — the Senate and House of Representatives — to jointly govern borrowing by the executive branch.

“The four Democratic leaders — Senators Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Patty Murray — have privately reached agreement that continued GOP intransigence on the debt ceiling means the White House needs the space to pursue options for raising it that don’t involve Congress,” according to the report in the Post.

“The White House needs to know that Dems will support whatever it decides to do,” read the report.

GOP Senators have decried the self-imposed diminution of the Senate, which was once lauded as “world’s the greatest deliberative body.”

The Democrats’ offer “is not only the height of irresponsibility, but also a guarantee that our national debt crisis will only get worse,” said the Republicans’ Senate leader Mitch McConnell.

“Rather than offering any plan to break the spending habit that’s causing the problem, Democrats are looking at everything from the ridiculous (printing a trillion-dollar coin) to outright abdication of Congressional responsibility,” he said.

“Democrats in Washington are falling all over themselves in an effort to do anything they can to get around the law—and to avoid taking any responsibility for Washington’s out-of-control spending … which is why many of us view the upcoming debt limit debate as a perfect opportunity to face up to Washington’s spending,” he said.

Speaker of the House John Boehner also denounced the unprecedented move.

“Senate Democrats cannot ignore their responsibilities for political convenience — and the American people will not tolerate an increase in the debt limit without spending cuts and reforms,” said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel.

“Out-of-control Washington spending is costing jobs now, and condemning future generations of Americans to a lower standard of living. Washington Democrats must stop spending money we don’t have,” he said.

Congress’ sole authority over the nation’s debt is enshrined in Section 8 of Article 1 the Constitution, which says “Congress shall have the power to … borrow money on the credit of the United States.”

The Constitution does not give the executive branch any legal authority to borrow money from outsides sources.

The Congress’ power is implemented via the the Public Debts Acts of 1939 and 1941.